This guide will show you how to Kick and Ban players on your dedicated Palworld game server.
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1. First and foremost, you need to become the ADMIN of your server to be able to ban and kick players.
You can do that by following our guide on becoming an admin though this link.
2. Once you become an admin, you can ban and kick players through in-game admin commands.
• Kicking a Player in your server
Open the chat by pressing "Enter", then type the command /KickPlayer <Player ID or Steam ID>
• Banning a Player in your server
Open the chat by pressing "Enter", then type the command /BanPlayer <Player ID or Steam ID>
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
My server does not appear in the Official Servers list?
This is official game servers by the developer, not community servers
My server does not appear in the community servers list?
I clicked connect with my server IP and port but it doesn't connect?
I clicked connect and it won't let me join because of the password I added to my server?
This is a known issue that the developer has stated, there is no way around this at this time,
they have stated they will be adding a prompt that asks you for password in a future patch.
What are configurations and commands I can execute on my Palworld server?
We have guides that show you the different configurations and commands you can do for Palworld.
You can check out all our Palworld guides in this link.