Insurgency Sandstorm Admin List Print

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Admin List

The game has a built-in admin menu which provides basic functionality such as kicking, banning and changing the level. In order to add admins, you will need to know their 64-bit Steam ID (aka steamID64). You can find this by using an online converter such as STEAMID I/O.

The list is contained inside Insurgency/Config/Server/Admins.txt. If this file does not exist, create it.

For each server admin you want to add, put each Steam ID on a new line. You can do this for as many admins as you would like to add. Adding new admins will require a server restart or level change for any changes to be reflected in-game. When a player with admin is connected to the server, they should be able to open the admin menu, it is bound to the Keypad Subtract button by default and can be re-bound in the key bindings menu.


*Please note that the // that you see before a line is used to ignore the text or command on that said line.

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