How to upload your save to your Sons Of The Forest server Print

  • SOTF, Sons of the forest
  • 0

The following guide will show you how to mod your SOTF server

The first thing to do is locate your Save File. It can be found in
the following File Path in the image below.

Once you have navigated to this file location. Select all 3 items inside,
and create a new Zip file for them to be uploaded to the server. 

Now, access your Game Panel and navigate to your server.
Open the File Manager tab and navigate to the save folder.
You may need to delete the previous files in this folder.

Upload the ZIP file we created earlier and then
 right-click it, and unpack it onto the server. 

The save is now uploaded to the server and you can
continue the save in your Dedicated Server.

Did the above information not work for you? Please click here to contact our support via a ticket.

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