America's Army Proving Grounds How to Set up User Made Maps Print

  • AAPG, Americas army proving grounds, Configuration, guide
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This guide will show you how to set up User-Made Maps to your server.

1. Get the Map's ID. First, you'll need the map's Steam Workshop "Item ID". The easiest way to get this is to find the map in the workshop. The ID is in the URL.

The ID for 2Forts is 572120225

Now that we've acquired the ID, we can tell the server to use the map.

2. Login to your Game Control Panel. 

3. Go to your Configuration Files. Click the Text Editor on AASteamUGCManager.ini file.

(If the file doesn't exist, run the game once to generate it.)

4. Open it and in the [SteamUGCManager.SteamUGCManager] section, add this line for each UMM you want the server to use:

Like this:

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