How to install DeerIsle and DayZ Expansion Mods on DayZ standalone server Print

  • DayZ, Dayz Standalone, Deer Isle Map, Map, Deer Isle, Mods, DayZ Expansion mod, map installation
  • 4

This articles shows you how to install the Deer Isle Map with DayZ Expansion Mod.

How to install the DeerIsle map with DayZ Expansion mod on your server

Install all the mods that follow using our "Steam Workshop" game panel function:

      1. Download the latest DayZ Expansion mission files from the following link: DayZ Expansion Missions

      2. Extract the content of this zip file onto your PC, and then using an FTP program such as FileZilla upload the folders into the mpmissions directory on your server - it should look like so:

      3. Select "Configuration Files" → Click "Text Editor" next to serverDZ.cfg - this will allow you to edit your server config file to change the mission (map) that's being run.

      4. Where it says Mission: change that to Expansion.DeerIsle - then save the file in the top left, for example:

        1. class Missions
              class DayZ


        "; // Mission to load on server startup. <MissionName>.<TerrainName>

  1. IMPORTANT – DeerIsle does not support the new spawn selection feature at this time without extensive configuration of the coordinates by hand, you will ideally need to disable it.

    This can be done as follows, navigate to the following path on your server using the file manager: profiles\ExpansionMod\Settings

    If any of the above folders do not exist you will need to start your server up once in order for them to be generated.

  2. Open SpawnSettings.json and look for the following line

"EnableSpawnSelection": 1,
change this like so and then save your changes
"EnableSpawnSelection": 0,

Success! You have installed and configured your server to run DeerIsle and DayZ-Expansion!


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