How to switch to Envrima Beta version of The Isle Print

  • The Isle, beta version, switch to beta, switch
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This guide will show you how to get your The Isle server working with the beta version of the isle ( Envrima )


Please note: The BETA will only run the Isle Spiro map and survival gamemode, you will not be able to use other maps or gamemodes, this is enforced in this beta release by the isle developers. At this time also it's noted there are many bugs with the beta release hence why they call it a beta and there are much less players currently playing the beta vs standard version of the game.

Steps they need to take to get it working:

  1. Stop the server
  2. Run server updater and select the new beta
  3. Select the beta commandline in commandline manager
  4. Go to configuration files, graphical editor on the template file and click save to generate the file
  5. Inside configuration files go to text editor for the template file, copy contents
  6. Go to configuration files and the game.ini file delete contents and paste in the contents you copied for the new beta format.
  7. Start server, should now be working.


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