Administrating a Server in Project Zomboid Print

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This guide will show you the various administrative commands used in a Project Zomboid server.

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If you're just getting started with your Project Zomboid Server at Citadel Servers, you need to first set an admin password. If you're unsure on how to do that, follow this guide:

Administrative commands

There are various commands for admins. There will be more in the future. This list will be updated as it goes:


adduser = Use this command to add a new user in a whitelisted server, use : /adduser username=pwd
save = Save the current world
quit = Quit the server (but save it before)
chopper = Start the choppers (do noise)
gunshot = Start a gunshot (do noise)
startrain = Start rain on the server
stoptrain = Stop rain on the server
setaccesslevel = Grant the admin rights to a user, use : /setaccesslevel Playername admin
removeadmin = Remove the admin rights to a user, use: /removeadmin “username”
reloadoptions = Reload the options on the server (ServerOptions.ini) and send them to the clients
banuser = Ban a user, reason is not mandatory, use : /banuser username=reason ip=true/false, ex /banuser rj=pvp ip=true
unbanuser = Unban a player, use : /unbanuser username
kickuser = Kick a user, reason is not mandatory, use : /kickuser username=reason
addalltowhitelist = Add all the current users connected with a password in the whitelist, so their account is protected.
addusertowhitelist = Add the user connected with a password in the whitelist, so his account is protected, use : /addusertowhitelist username
removeuserfromwhitelist = Remove the user from the whitelist, use: /removeuserfromwhitelist username
showoptions = Show the list of current Server options with their values.
changeoption = Use this to change a server option, use : /changeOption optionName=newValue
godmod = Set a player invincible, use : /godmod username=true/false, ex /godmod rj=true
invisible = Set a player invisible, use : /invisible username=true/false, ex /invisible rj=true
additem = Add an item to a player, the username isn't mandatory, if you don't specify it the item will be added to you, use /additem username module.item, ex : /additem rj Base.Axe.
createhorde = Use this to spawn a horde near you, user : /create horde count, ex /createhorde 150
changepwd = Use this command to change your password, use : /changepwd previouspwd newpwd.


You can type “/help” to get a full list or “/help *command*” to get the help tooltip for this command.



I can't find my server in the in-game list. What do I do?

Make sure your server is up to date by following this guide.  Have you also set an admin password in the Web Console? If not, follow this guide! Failing that, are you sure the name you are searching for is currently assigned? See this Configuration guide to make sure.

How do I connect to my Project Zomboid server?

There are three ways to connect to your Project Zomboid server. (Click this link for a more detailed guide) First is via your Game Panel and click the Join button next to the IP Address. The second way is to add the Connection Information to your Steam favorites and connect from there. The last way is to join in-game using the same Connection Information.

How do I update my Project Zomboid server?

There are several steps you must follow to properly update your Zomboid server. You can do this by following this guide.

How do I Set a Password for our Project Zomboid server?

You'll learn how to add a server password by following this step-by-step guide.

How do I setup Whitelist in my Project Zomboid server?

This guide shows you how to setup whitelist in your server.

Why won't the changes I make in Configuration Settings save?

Changes in the Configuration Settings while the server is running will not be applied. You must always stop the server first for the changes to save and take effect.

How do I add Admin users in my Project Zomboid server?

Follow this guide to add Admin users in your server. In the guide, you will see the different level of access and permissions of the admin levels.

My mods aren't working. Help!

Check this mod installation guide out and see if you've missed any steps. If you've followed them and still has issues with the mods, read up this troubleshooting guide. If that still fails, submit a ticket and our technical support team will assist you!


Need further assistance? Please click here to contact our support via a ticket.

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