This article will guide you how to add custom mod.
This Section is for those of you who like having a nice GUI to look at when managing a server or for those who want a simplified server setup process.
Step 1: Download PenGUIn from here[community.playstarbound.com]
If you do not know where the starbound_server.exe is located you can find it by:
- Right clicking starbound in your steam library
- Clicking on "properties"
- Select the "LOCAL FILES" tab at the top of the properties window
- Click the "BROWSE LOCAL FILES..." button (this will take you to your starbound directory in steam)
at this point you'll need to know if you have a 32 or 64 Bit Operating System (if you don't know you can easily find out by holding down the windows key and pressing the pause break key (Win + Pause Break) which will pop up a window with basic system information. all you need to look at is "System type")
Once you've found out which folder you needed to drop the penGUIn.exe in (win32/win64)
Step 3: Create a shortcut to your desktop then launch PenGUIn.exe
Step 4: the rest should be obvious for most of you, when you launch PenGUIn you'll find basic server actions in the bottom left of the interface (Start/Restart/Stop), there's a lot of information this application provides in one place for ease of access take some time to go through it at your own leisure.
MODS: installing mods is the same as all the other methods but i would recommend following the steps laid out in [Method 3] as it makes life a lot easier.