This guide will show you how to configure your Agar.io server.
NOTE: It is recommended that you stop your server before making any changes to it.
Configuring your Agar.io server
To begin configuring your Agar.io server, head over to your "Configuration Files" after logging into the control panel.

Once there you'll see a file called "gameserver.ini". This is your Agar.io server's main configuration file. To modify it, press "Text Editor" as shown below.

After you've opened it using the text editor you'll see all the options you are able to tweak.

For example, changing "serverGamemode" from "0" to "1" will change your server's gamemode from "FFA" (Free For All) to "Teams".
After you're done making your changes, simply press "Save" to save them.

Below you'll find a handy list of the different configuration commands and what they mean.
serverGamemode: Your server's gamemode, 0 = FFA, 1 = Teams, 2 = Experimental, 10 = Tournament, 11 = Hunger Games
serverBots: Amount of player bots to spawn (Experimental)
serverViewBase: Base view distance of players. Warning: high values may cause lag
serverStatsPort: Port for the stats server. Having a negative number will disable the stats server.
serverStatsUpdate: Amount of seconds per update for server stats
serverLogLevel: Logging level of the server. 0 = No logs, 1 = Logs the console, 2 = Logs console and ip connections
serverScrambleCoords: Toggles scrambling of coordinates. 0 = No scrambling, 1 = scrambling. Default is 1.
serverScrambleMinimaps: Toggles scrambling of borders to render maps unusable. 0 = No scrambling, 1 = scrambling. Default is 1.
serverTeamingAllowed: Toggles anti-teaming. 0 = Anti-team enabled, 1 = Anti-team disabled. Default is 1.
serverMaxLB: Controls the maximum players displayed on the leaderboard.
borderLeft, borderRight, borderTop, borderBottom: Border values of the map (Vanilla values are left/top = 0, right/bottom = 11180.3398875)
spawnInterval: Each interval is 1 tick (50 ms)
Ejected Mass
ejectMass: Mass of ejected cells
ejectMassCooldown: Time until a player can eject mass again (ms)
ejectMassLoss: Mass lost when ejecting cells
ejectSpeed: Base speed of ejected cells
ejectSpawnPlayer: Chance for a player to spawn from ejected mass
playerRecombineTime: Base amount of ticks before a cell is allowed to recombine (1 tick = 1000 milliseconds)
playerBotGrowEnabled: If 0, eating a cell with less than 17 mass while cell has over 625 wont gain any mass
playerMassAbsorbed: Fraction of a player cell that gets absorbed upon eating (i.e., 1 = 100%, 0.8 = 80%, etc)
playerMassDecayRate: Amount of mass lost per tick (Multiplier) (1 tick = 1000 milliseconds)
playerMinMassDecay: Minimum mass for decay to occur
playerDisconnectTime: The amount of seconds it takes for a player cell to be removed after disconnection (If set to -1, cells are never removed)
playerSmoothSplit: Set to 1 for smooth splitting.
tourneyTimeLimit: Time limit of the game, in minutes.
tourneyAutoFill: If set to a value higher than 0, the tournament match will automatically fill up with bots after value seconds
tourneyAutoFillPlayers: The timer for filling the server with bots will not count down unless there is this amount of real players
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