Setting up permissions and admin for Heat game server Print

  • heat, admin, permissions, Adding admins
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Here are Admin Permissions that work with Heat game server. How to add permissions and make yourself admin are also listed.

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Permissions are what allow a player to perform actions in game. When a player performs an action, such as eating, the server checks to see if that player has permission to eat. If not it will deny that ability.

Currently permissions are mainly used for commands.

In Alpha 11 a permission was added for fairplay called 'game.fairplay'. This permission is actually called a Macro but we'll get into that later. So basically without proper permissions your players may not be able to play correctly.

Fortunately when you start your server for the first time, it auto-generates your permissions for you. It does this because it notices that the file is missing. So in the future if you mess up your permissions you can always delete the permissions.cfg file located in the Configuration/ folder of your server and the next time you start the server it will generate a new one.
The Permissions File
The Permission File is located in your server folder under Configuration/Permissions.cfg.

Here's a simple example of a permission file:
groups { default { default = 'True' nameFormat = '%name%' chatFormat = '%name% : %message%' guildFormat = '[00CC00][%guild%] %chatFormat%[-]' inherits = permissions { - 'game.fairplay' } } admin { nameFormat = '%name%' chatFormat = '%name% : %message%' guildFormat = '[00CC00][%guild%] %chatFormat%[-]' inherits = permissions { - '*' } } } macros { } users { }
The Default Group
The default group is the group players are automatically added to. Usually the default group has just enough permissions for the players to play.

In this instance the default group inherits the guest group as indicated by inherits = 'guest' .

Any group can be set to the default group. Simply adding default = 'True' to any group will make it so players get automatically added to that group when they are registered. (via Character Customization)
groups { # This is a comment. default { # Normal players default = 'True' # Players will automatically be put in this group. inherits = 'guest' # The default group inherits all permissions from guest. }
For example the above could look like this and still work:
groups { member { # Notice this is now "member" instead of default. default = 'True' # This must be the same. inherits = 'guest' }
The Admin Group
This group is the group that is given to users so they can moderate and manage the server.

This group has the * permission, this means that anyone who belongs to this group is allowed to perform any action.

This also means that administrators can use any command as well.
admin { permissions { - '*' # A * means all permissions } }
How do I make myself admin?
If this is the first time you run your server you will need to add yourself to the user list.
We recommend you go into the game control panel, the click "Configuration files" Find the "permissions.cfg" file and click"Graphical Editor".
In here, you can enter your in-game name on the server as the first admin. This will then set you as admin when you click "save". After this restart the game server.
How do I make myself as admin or others in the configuration file?

Once you are added you may then use the permission command to modify the permissions while the server is running.

For help with permissions type /help permission while in-game.
users { YourNameHere { groups { - 'admin' } } }
Modifying the the File While the Server is Running
It is possible to modify the permission file while the server is running.

You simply make any changes to the file then in-game type /permission reload and it will load any changes to permissions on the server.
Adding a User via Command
Before you start you might want to learn a bit about Commands.

Once you are an admin (read above) on the server you can make other players admins as well with the /permission command.

First add the user to the permissions file. (We have not assigned a group yet.)

/permission user [userName] add - Adds a user to the permissions config. /permission user Bob add

Second add the admin group to that user.

/permission user [userName] addgroup [groupName] - Adds a user to a group. /permission user Bob addgroup admin

Again you can get more info on the permission command by typing /help permission
Removing a User via Command
Before you start you might want to learn a bit about Commands.

Once you are an admin (read above) on the server you can remove other players from the admin group.

/permission user [userName] removegroup [groupName] /permission user Jane removegroup admin

If you would like to remove them completely from the permissions: (This removes all groups, chat formatting, permissions, etc..)

/permission user [userName] remove /permission user Jane remove

Again you can get more info on the permission command by typing /help permission
What a Config Looks Like with an Admin User
groups { default { default = 'True' nameFormat = '%name%' chatFormat = '%name% : %message%' guildFormat = '[00CC00][%guild%] %chatFormat%[-]' inherits = permissions { - 'game.fairplay' } } admin { nameFormat = '%name%' chatFormat = '%name% : %message%' guildFormat = '[00CC00][%guild%] %chatFormat%[-]' inherits = permissions { - '*' } } } macros { } users { PLAYERNAME { groups { - 'admin' } } }
List of Permissions
Here's a list of permissions scraped from the code:
- '' - '' - 'codehatch.command.admin.notice' - 'codehatch.command.admin.registry' - 'codehatch.command.admin.kick' - 'codehatch.command.admin.ban' - 'codehatch.command.admin.mute' - 'codehatch.command.admin.whitelist' - 'codehatch.command.admin.permissions' - 'codehatch.command.admin.shutdown' - 'codehatch.command.admin.config' - 'codehatch.command.admin.config.edit' - 'codehatch.login.ignore.playerlimit' - 'codehatch.login.ignore.playerqueue' - 'codehatch.command.debug' - 'codehatch.debug.buildreport.send' - 'codehatch.debug.buildreport.reply' - 'codehatch.debug.buildreport.others' - '' - '' - '' - '' - 'codehatch.reporting.players' - 'codehatch.reporting.players.request' - 'codehatch.reporting.players.submit' - 'codehatch.reporting.players.immunity' - 'game.fairplay' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - 'game.command.admin.godmode' - 'game.command.admin.godmode.others' - '' - 'game.command.items.give' - 'game.command.items.give.others' - 'game.command.items.giveall' - 'game.command.items.giveall.others' - 'game.command.items.clear' - 'game.command.items.clear.others' - 'game.command.teleport' - 'game.command.teleport.origin' - 'game.command.teleport.coord' - 'game.command.teleport.user' - 'game.command.teleport.usertouser' - 'game.command.teleport.usertocoord' - 'game.command.pos' - 'game.command.environment.time' - '' - 'game.command.objects.killall' - 'game.command.objects.killbytype' - 'game.command.objects.killbyblueprint' - 'game.command.objects.butcher' - '' - 'game.command.ui.switchlayout' - 'game.command.ui.popup' - 'game.command.ui.question' - 'game.command.admin.serverfps' - 'game.command.admin.pageall' - '' - 'game.command.admin.videofly' - '' - 'game.command.ui.nametag.hide' - '' - 'game.command.ui.hud'

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