Community and Clan packages

Do you have your own community or clan? Looking to start your own community? Don't want to order individual game servers? Want the flexibility to create gameservers whenever you want? You've come to the right place! We offer over 224 in over 20 locations worldwide. We offer some of the best game servers, web hosting and virtual private servers on the market with a low latency infrastructure solution no matter where you players may be! All our locations and servers are DDoS Protected and run on high-performance hardware.

Deploy your Game Server Clan Package

Click here to configure your Clan/Group Package and have it deployed and live in minutes!

Game Control Panel

We've designed a unique, game control panel intergrating the features our clients needed and requested.

The game panel is fully white-labelled and we provide you with features to brand it how you like, all our game configurations are highly optimised to provide maximum performance for hosted game servers.

affiliate panel Example image

Instant Setup of game servers

Using the API we supply or in the control panel, you can create servers at any time for your community

No financial overhead

Don't worry about infrastructure, game costs or development, we handle all that, you just focus on growing your community.

Game Panel Access

You will have full control and access over your servers through the game control panel as well as full statistics and FTP and control panel theme.

Over 20 locations

We provide locations worldwide on the best performing hardware, require a server in Canada and USA, no problem, create as you please

No technical knowledge required

We provide all the game templates, infrastructure so you only need to concentrate on your community and servers.

High Performance Hardware

Our servers include the latest and fastest SSD technology as standard and up to 5Ghz speed processors.

Get started with a community game hosting package with Citadel Servers

There's no catch to game server hosting with us, simply sign up with us and let us know what gameservers and game hosting locations you require and we'll give you a quotation based on your budget and specification. We recognise there's no one size fits all and you may only want to host a few of our games we provide.

Checkout below, the full list of game server titles we can provide to you that you can setup in one of our locations with one click.

Showing 224 Game server titles.

Is the game you require not listed? Send us a message to support it!

Deploy your Game Server Clan Package

Click here to configure your Clan/Group Package and have it deployed and live in minutes!

Worldwide Coverage For Game Hosting

Citadel Servers offers Network coverage worldwide, providing the very best network coverage in over 20 locations, Connect to your players all around the world, with a low latency infrastructure solution no matter where you or your players maybe!

Silicon Valley
Los Angeles
New York

Citadel Servers Community Packages

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Not sure what we sell? Take a look at our website for the services and products we sell, such as game hosting, virtual private servers, webhosting and more!