Grand Theft Auto 5: FiveM Game Hosting

Instant Setup

What is Grand Theft Auto 5: FiveM

Server Hosting for FiveM™ ( previously known as Five Reborn) is a continuance of FiveM™ originally started by modders in the USA. Custom Grand Theft Auto: 5 Servers, Play on massive servers with full Modding capability, edit your server easily, custom gamemodes, vehicles and weapons, your world, your choice. The platform gives you the oppertunity to run dedicated functional servers which re-create the complete GTA:Online experience.

The platform will not only provide you with the complete GTA:Online experience it will also allow you to develop your own experience even further in the usage of plugins, other maps and/or scripts. We support both Server Hosting for FiveM™ FXServer (new) and CitizenFX (legacy) versions

We allow free game switching between the various GTA:V framework mods such as alt:V, FiveM™ and Rage:MP.

We highly recommend using Grand Theft Auto V: Alt:V mod instead, this is the best mod for Grand Theft Auto 5. No licences, low cost, 1000+ supported active players at once and full mod support.

Server Hosting for FiveM™ ( previously known as Five Reborn) is a continuance of FiveM™ originally started by modders in the USA. Custom Grand Theft Auto: 5 Servers, Play on massive servers with full Modding capability, edit your server easily, custom gamemodes, vehicles and weapons, your world, your choice. The platform gives you the oppertunity to run dedicated functional servers which re-create the complete GTA:Online experience.

The platform will not only provide you with the complete GTA:Online experience it will also allow you to develop your own experience even further in the usage of plugins, other maps and/or scripts. We support both Server Hosting for FiveM™ FXServer (new) and CitizenFX (legacy) versions

We allow free game switching between the various GTA:V framework mods such as alt:V, FiveM™ and Rage:MP.

We highly recommend using Grand Theft Auto V: Alt:V mod instead, this is the best mod for Grand Theft Auto 5. No licences, low cost, 1000+ supported active players at once and full mod support.

Which Grand Theft Auto V Mod is right for you?

alt:V Mod FiveM™ Rage:MP GTA5:Online
Allows modifications Server/client-side Server/client-side Server/client-side No
Server-side asset loading Yes Yes Yes No
Bans for no real reason No Yes[1] No Yes[2]
Sync Quality Best Good Best Good
Maximum player count 5000+ 128 ( With Paid Licence ) [3] 5000+ 30
AI support Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scripting language support C#/JS/Lua C#/JS/Lua C#/JS/Lua No
Paid licensing for Servers Licence Free You must pay FiveM™ for 32+ Players [3] Licence Free Licence Free
  1. [1] FiveM™ is known to ban Servers they don't like
  2. [2] GTA5: Online bans hackers/exploits.
  3. [3] FiveM™ requires you setup a License with them, up to 32 players is free Above 32 Players requires you pay them a monthly fee of $15 ( 64 players ) or $50 ( 128 players ).

What is supported/synced in FiveM™ | Five Reborn with Citadel Servers?

Everything is supported, Peds, Vehicles (Cars, bikes, planes, boats etc) We offer many one click mod installs for Five Reborn, want to start your own police server? We have you covered with one click police install mods, scripts and custom vehicles\models. You can view some of these below. All servers come with MYSQL and CouchDB support, you can fully mod and configure your server with our full-featured game control panel.

We support both FiveM™ FXServer (new) and CitizenFX (legacy) versions

What Modpacks do you have?

We actively maintain and keep up to date several modpacks, including ESX, Essentials and VRP. You can get a Roleplay or RPG server up within minutes with a click of a button!

Grand Theft Auto 5: FiveM

Hosting from $0.43 per slot\player

All our Game Server Services come with the features you need

Check out all of the essential Dedicated Game Servers game server features that come with your server rental

Access to our Game Server Management Panel

Our full featured, game control panel allows you to configure and customize your game servers. Install supported mods / maps, switch locations, and change any setting with one click.

Full Control

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Start, Stop, Reinstall, you have full control over your server with one click. You can schedule tasks to run scripts, backups and more!

Server Configuration

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Edit your server's configuration with the click of the button, change the Server name, password, Game settings, set admin permissions or view server logs, your in control.

Server Backups

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Backup and deploy it to your server from a click of the button, never worry about loss of server data again, these can be scheduled too!

One Click Mods

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One click install mods to your servers, no need to configure a database or script again, simply click and play.

One click install Mod Solutions

Switch to and install mods at any time with one click, straight from our game control panel, latest updates are always available

One Click Mod Install Example list:

mapmanager chat spawnmanager sessionmanager fivem hardcap rconlog scoreboard mysql-async essentialmode esplugin_mysql es_admin2 es_extended esx_menu_default esx_menu_list esx_menu_dialog async cron instance skinchanger esx_addonaccount esx_addoninventory esx_datastore esx_identity esx_billing esx_society esx_property esx_service esx_license esx_atm esx_skin esx_mask esx_phone esx_shops esx_garage esx_ambulancejob esx_bankerjob esx_barbershop esx_mecanojob esx_dmvschool esx_realestateagentjob esx_taxijob esx_weashops esx_vehicleshop esx_policejob esx_drugs esx_animations esx_sit esx_holdup esx_lscustom esx_rpchat esx_voice scoreboard_plus police_cuffs_mod policelapdpack EasyAdmin IndianaStatePolicePack Vice_City_Mod Internet_Radio Discord QBCore DunkoVRP Mysql Async TokoVOIP vMenu HyperAdmin ESX Legacy Oxmysql

And hundreds more one-click mods!

We also do custom import\configuration work for a small fee if you need assistance building your perfect server

Worldwide Coverage

Citadel Servers offers Network coverage worldwide, providing the very best network coverage in over 18 locations, Connect to your players all around the world, with a low latency infrastructure solution no matter where you or your players may be!

Silicon Valley
Los Angeles
New York

Deploy your Grand Theft Auto 5: FiveM game server

Click here to configure your server and have it deployed and live in minutes!