Mount & Blade: Warband, Adding Custom Maps

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  1. Login to the Control Panel using the details you were provided with.

  2. Open up the file manager by clicking the icon titled File Manager

  3. Using this File Manager you can upload and download files to and from your server. To install maps you'll need to open the SceneObj folder inside which module file your server is using. For this example we will be installing maps for the Napoleonic Wars module.

  4. Open up the Modules folder, then the Napoleonic Wars folder.

  5. Once inside the Napoleonic Wars folder, there will be multiple files and folders. Open the folder titled SceneObj
    Inside this folder is where you will upload your map file (.sco File), To upload the file, press the Upload button in the top left.

  6. Select the files which you wish to upload, and simply hit the Upload button, you will be prompted when it's complete.

    If the map DOES NOT have a custom scene code, you can simply restart your server and enjoy your new map.
    If your map requires a custom scene code, please check out the article about adding custom scene codes.