Avorion Startup Guide (Windows)

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This article will guide you on how to setup your server.

Starting the server (Windows)

What you’ll need:

• Steam CMD: SteamCMD
• Server Installer - Naggerknife's Server Installer.zip
• Virus scan of the Server Installer - VirusTotal Scan
• 7-Zip or WinRar to open ZIP files - 7zip or WinRar


Installing SteamCMD:

1. Create a folder for SteamCMD.
2. Download SteamCMD.zip.
3. Extract the contents of “SteamCMD.zip” into the folder just created.
4. Run steamcmd.exe to install the rest of the needed files.

Obtaining Avorion Server Files:

1. Download “Naggerknife’s Server Installer.zip”
2. Extract the contents of the zip file into the SteamCMD folder we created earlier.
3. Now open up “avorion_installer.txt” and look for the line saying “force_install_dir”.
4. Change “C:\AvorionServer” to your desired location.
5. After you have edited “force_install_dir” save the file.
6. Run “Naggerknife’s Server Installer.bat” and let it do its magic.

Running your new server:

1. Navigate to the install folder you designated above.
2. There are two files in here you need to know. Launcher.bat & Server.bat
3. Right click Server.bat and click edit.
4. Go ahead and change “avorion_admin” to your 64bit SteamID to make sure you are the admin of the server. Also here you can change the name of your galaxy by editing “avorion_galaxy” to the name of your galaxy. Then make sure to save that.
• If you want to change where server files are installed you can add --datapath C:\PATHERE to this same file.
5. Run “Server.bat” and your server should be up and running! Check below for instructions to edit server options.

Stopping the server:

1. NEVER stop the server by closing the console. It will cause save issues.
2. ALWAYS use /save in-game then follow up with /stop to stop the server.

Editing server options:

1. Make sure the server is not running. These changes will not take effect unless server is offline.
2. Navigate to the %appdata%/Roaming/Avorion/NAMEOFYOURGALAXY/ OR where you set the location of the server files to go above.
3. Right click on “server.ini” and then click edit. In here you will see the options for your server. Once your done save the file then start your server again to apply changes. (Server)

List of known admin commands: (Enter these at in-game chat)

• /save - saves the world
• /stop - stop the server
• /help - displays all available commands

Updating your server: (Server must not be running for this to work)

1. Go back to your SteamCMD folder we made earlier.
2. Make sure the avorion_installer.txt file is pointing to the location of your server files. Shouldn't matter unless you changed it for some reason.
3. Run Naggerknife’s Server Installer again and it willl update the files then just run the server like normal. Do this every time there is an update.

Incase anything is broken check out this GoogleDoc