Adding administrators in Tshock
After installing tshock from game mods wait until you get the email confirmation saying that installation completed and go to your file manager.
browse the folder tshock and you should see a file named "authcode.txt". Download it and open it. You should find a code like for example:
- This will give you the ability to create a user account on the server, giving you access to all commands.
- Next, enter: /user add [username]:[password] superadmin
- Example: /user add john:qwerty superadmin (remember to include the colon ":" between the username and password)
- Log in with the superadmin user you just created by entering: /login [username] [password](without a colon)
- Example: /login john qwerty
Adding Users/Admins
To add a new user or admin, enter the following: /user add [username]:[password] [group]
- Example #1 (Add a VIP user): /user add sarah:connor vip
- Example #2 (Add another Admin): /user add sarah:connor newadmin
Alternatively, if the user you wish to add has already registered (using /register [username] [password]) you may also edit that user's Usergroup in thetshock\tshock.sqlite file (Users.Usergroup - see below). Users who have their access added or changed need only re-join the server for their permissions to take effect.
tshock.sqlite can be edited with te following tool: Download Link