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Edit Game Server ASKA

Primary tabs

The game's name
Short abbreviation of main game name
Leave blank to use trimmed value of full text as the summary.


  • ShortCodes usage

    1. All elements supports class, animation and delay attributes. Supports all animation.css values. Delay value in ms.

      [quote author = "Author Name" image = "/files/author.png" blockquote]text[/quote]
      blockquote - Simple left aligned quote with author name, image - URL to the image.

    2. All elements supports class, animation and delay attributes. Supports all animation.css values. Delay value in ms.

      [quote author = "Author Name" image = "/files/author.png" blockquote]text[/quote]
      blockquote - Simple left aligned quote with author name, image - URL to the image.

    3. Progress bar:
      [progress percent = "90" color = "blue"]Design[/progress]

    4. Spacer:
      Available classes: xs - 10px sm - 20px md - 40px lg - 60px xlg - 80px

    5. Responsive container:
      Use this for non-full width content.

      Responsive columns:
      [col phone = 12 tablet = 12 desktop = 6 wide = 6]Content with date[/col][/row]
      Describe how many rows will take col in different devices: phone, tablet, desktop, wide. From 1 to 12 rows.

    6. Message box:
      Available classes: alert-danger, alert-info, alert-warning, alert-success, alert-dismissable.

    7. Button Link:
      [button class="btn-lg btn-default" link = "contact"]Text[/button]
      link - URL to linked content.
      Available size classes: btn-lg - Big, btn-sm - Small, by default - Medium.
      Available color classes: btn-default, btn-primary, btn-info, btn-success, btn-warning, btn-danger

    8. Icon Box:
      [service_box icon = "fa fa-user" link_text = "More" title = "Title" link = "contact"]Text[/service_box]
      Available attributes: icon - Icon font class, link, link_text, title

    9. Social Icon Box:
      [social_box icon = "icon-facebook" link = ""][/social_box]
      Available icons:

    10. Pricing Table:
      [pricing_table title = "Basic" price = "19" price_top_text = "Starting at" price_text = "/month" link = "shop" button = "Buy Now" livicon = "" stars = 3 color = "green" read_more = "Read More"]
       [pricing_table_row disabled check]Text[/pricing_table_row]
      Available variables: title, price, price_text, price_top_text, button, link, color, stars, read_more.

    11. Video iFrame:
      Text - Embed URL of the video.

    12. Accordion:
        [accordion title = "Accordion Panel #1" active]Text[/accordion]

    13. Image with caption:
      [image path="image.png" caption = "Image caption" type = "title_overlay" img_rounded = 1][/image]

    14. Google Map:
      [gmap height = 300 zoom = 5 lat = "40.3456" lng = "-56.8795" title = "New York"]Tooltip text for Marker[/gmap]

    15. Tabs:
      [tab title = "title" icon = "fa fa-user"]Text[/tab]
      Available variables: title - tabs of the title, icon - font class of the icon.

    16. Horizontal Rules:

    17. Title:
      [title type = "h3" underline = "1"][/title]

    18. SiteMap:
      [sitemap machine_name = "main-menu"][/sitemap]

Plain text

  • No HTML tags allowed.
  • Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically.
  • Lines and paragraphs break automatically.


  • Lines and paragraphs break automatically.
  • Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically.


  • Lines and paragraphs break automatically.
  • Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically.

Dynamic Shortcodes

PHP code

  • You may post PHP code. You should include <?php ?> tags.
The game description
Server Slot Price in euros
Server Slot Price in pounds
Server Slot price in USD.
The price per slot\ram
Background Video Off\On
Aska game hosting icon
Server Icon image
Aska game hosting box art
This is the box art image
This section appears under game panel feature section, can be used to display mods, maps etc
Is the server price per slot (per slot\player) per RAM or per server? e.g. "Hosting from $0.85 per slot\player"
Is this game not yet released?

Real-time SEO for Drupal

Pick the main keyword or keyphrase that this post/page is about.
SEO: na

Vertical Tabs

URL path settings
Uncheck this to create a custom alias below. Configure URL alias patterns.
Optionally specify an alternative URL by which this content can be accessed. For example, type "about" when writing an about page. Use a relative path and don't add a trailing slash or the URL alias won't work.