All elements supports class, animation and delay attributes. Supports all animation.css values. Delay value in ms.
[quote author = "Author Name" image = "/files/author.png" blockquote]text[/quote] blockquote - Simple left aligned quote with author name, image - URL to the image.
All elements supports class, animation and delay attributes. Supports all animation.css values. Delay value in ms.
[quote author = "Author Name" image = "/files/author.png" blockquote]text[/quote] blockquote - Simple left aligned quote with author name, image - URL to the image.
Progress bar:
[progress percent = "90" color = "blue"]Design[/progress]
[spacer][/spacer] Available classes: xs - 10px sm - 20px md - 40px lg - 60px xlg - 80px
Responsive container:
[container]Content[/container] Use this for non-full width content.
Responsive columns:
[col phone = 12 tablet = 12 desktop = 6 wide = 6]Content with date[/col][/row] Describe how many rows will take col in different devices: phone, tablet, desktop, wide. From 1 to 12 rows.
Message box:
[message][/message] Available classes: alert-danger, alert-info, alert-warning, alert-success, alert-dismissable.
Button Link:
[button class="btn-lg btn-default" link = "contact"]Text[/button] link - URL to linked content. Available size classes: btn-lg - Big, btn-sm - Small, by default - Medium. Available color classes: btn-default, btn-primary, btn-info, btn-success, btn-warning, btn-danger
Icon Box:
[service_box icon = "fa fa-user" link_text = "More" title = "Title" link = "contact"]Text[/service_box] Available attributes: icon - Icon font class, link, link_text, title
Social Icon Box:
[social_box icon = "icon-facebook" link = ""][/social_box] Available icons:
Pricing Table:
[pricing_table title = "Basic" price = "19" price_top_text = "Starting at" price_text = "/month" link = "shop" button = "Buy Now" livicon = "" stars = 3 color = "green" read_more = "Read More"]
[pricing_table_row disabled check]Text[/pricing_table_row]
[/pricing_table] Available variables: title, price, price_text, price_top_text, button, link, color, stars, read_more.
Video iFrame:
[video][/video] Text - Embed URL of the video.
[accordion title = "Accordion Panel #1" active]Text[/accordion]
Image with caption:
[image path="image.png" caption = "Image caption" type = "title_overlay" img_rounded = 1][/image]
Google Map:
[gmap height = 300 zoom = 5 lat = "40.3456" lng = "-56.8795" title = "New York"]Tooltip text for Marker[/gmap]
[tab title = "title" icon = "fa fa-user"]Text[/tab]
[/tabs] Available variables: title - tabs of the title, icon - font class of the icon.
Horizontal Rules:
[title type = "h3" underline = "1"][/title]
[sitemap machine_name = "main-menu"][/sitemap]